results still being added
compiled by Alison Merritt
Dogs Name (Sex) Year titled
(Sire X Dam)
Can.Am.CH. Blackthorn Coreopis of Patchmt TDX (M) 2008
(Am.CH.Highland’s Flying High Again X Am.CH.Patchmtn C Pepper N Paisley Am.TD)
Am.CH. Patchmtn C Pepper N Paisley TDX Am.TD AGN Agnj (F) 2008
(Am.CH.Paisley Pragmatic X Am.CH.Paisley Patch Mt’s Amazing Grace CD Na)
Bellwether & Patchmt Charles Windsor TDX (M) 2016
(Am.CH. On The Spot’s Limited Edition X Can.Am.CH. Blackthorn & Patchmt Thru The Looking Glass Am.TDX)
CH. Camosun’s Eight Bells UDT Am.UD (M) 1972
(Can.Am.CH. Colonsay Jester’s Bell X CH. Belisama of Maidun)
Buttes Samosir Missy UDT (F) 1976
(Porto Ronco Kelly X Kimberly of Samosir)
CH. Lisette UDT Am.UD (F) 1976
(Can.Am.CH. Royal Coach Tally Ray X Kathy)
Can.Am.CH. Hil Dal’s Lucky Lindy Can.Am. UDT (F) 1978
(Am.CH. Woodlyn’s Prohibition Am. CD X Am.CH. Woodlyn Tasman Krakatoa)
Can.Am.CH. Biscuit Bugatti UDT Am.CD TD (F) 1978
(Am.CH. Bold Eric’s Promise Am.CD X Lady Ann XII)
Jessica Spangles Can.Am.UDT (F) 1978
(Am.CH.Tren Orion of Shire X Shonny MacGwyr)
Dalfox Mini Biscuit Can.CD TD Am.CDX TD (F) 1982
(Am.CH. Nosivad Kriss Kringle X Dalfox Lucky Mindy)
Erin’s Nutmeg Candy Can.Am.CD TD (F) 1982
(Am.CH.Coachman’s Caliber X Am.CH. Coachman’s Paisley Candybar)
CH. Zara Daisy’s May Promise Vaan UDT (F) 1986
(CH. Zara’s Keeper X Can.Am.CH. Zara Encore Daisy Am.CD)
Can.CH. Dotter ’s Harry Spotter TD (M) 2005
(Am.CH.Driftwood Picotee Freestyle Am.CD X Rambler’s Canadian Dotter)
Georja Mimsy Peaches TD (F) 2005
Can.Am.CH. Blackthorn Coreopis of Patchmt TD (M) 2007
(Am.CH. Highland’s Flying High Again X Am.CH. Patchmtn C Pepper N Paisley Am.TD)
Can.Am.CH. Blackthorn’s Violet of Patchmt TD (F) 2007
(Am.CH. Highland’s Flying High Again X Am.CH. Patchmnt C Pepper N Paisley Am.TD)
Am.CH. Patchmtn C Pepper N Paisley Can.Am.TD (F) 2007
(Am.CH. Paisley Pragmatic X Am.CH. Paisley Patch Mt’s Amazing Grace CD)
Bellwether & Patchmt Charles Windsor TD (M) 2015
(Am.CH. On The Spot’s Limited Edition X Can.Am.CH. Blackthorn & Patchmt Thru The Looking Glass Am.TDX)
Can.Am.CH. Sweetspots Over The Rainbow CD, RN, TD (F) 2021
((CH Monarch Snow Hill Aces High – CH Blackthorns Flower Power))