Why be a DCC member?
First, it is being part of a community that loves Dalmatians! We come from different parts of Canada, have different backgrounds, and different levels of experience, but our love of Dalmatians brings us together.
As a member of this community:
You have voting rights so you can propose new ideas that would improve the club 's activities;
Access to a members only FaceBook page where you can exchange ideas, information and post brags.
You can participate in the Versatility Award program and the Distance Log program.
More members = more local, regional, and national activities!
You can also be a volunteer for different positions like;
- get involved in boosters, the National Specialty , or apply for any position on the Board of Directors ( elected position ).
Being part of the Dalmatian community will help keep you informed on new research into health issues that impact the breed.
You can promote your dog’s achievements in Transcanadals, the Official DCC newsletter.