DCC Board Meeting
Monday May 6 2019
800 pm EDT
In attendance: Nicole, Susan, Kelly, Arlene, Heather, Sharon, Francois-Pier
Sharon called meeting to order at 805 pm EDT, seconded by Arlene.
Agenda Approval of Agenda : Susan moves that the agenda is approved, seconded by Kelly, all in favour.
President’s Update/DCC Financials Update (Susan Saul)
Susan has been working on financials with the help of Sharon. Susan wants this to all be transparent and open. She has gone back through all the bank statements and filled out the spreadsheet that was sent out in advance of this meeting. She is not able to access cancelled cheques, just the information through CIBC. We need to decide as a group what to do. Susan would like the board to review the file she has provided, then make suggestions on the best way to move forward. Kelly has a concern, she was looking back to see the past Nationals and wasn’t able to see what money went in or out for the past National expenses, she would like to have the club put the time in to better understand those expenses. Arlene suggests the board take the time to review the financials. Susan is asking Sharon to see if there are more cheques than what Susan was able to find, and for Kelly to connect with Carola to get what further information she has.
Sharon moves that we table the financials to allow everyone to review prior to the next board meeting, seconded by Arlene. All in favour. Motion carried.
Financial Update (Sharon Debor)
Update done with Susan’s update. Membership update (Nicole Vandal) Susan is asking for the board to call the people within their province who have not renewed for 2019, including life members.
Nicole presents two new members for the board to vote on: Leslie Morris (BC) and Maureen O’Byrne (NB). Sharon motions that we accept both Leslie and Maureen, Nicole seconds, none opposed.
50th Anniversary Specialty Update (Kelly Amos and Heather Parsons)
Kelly sent out a flyer for the 50th Anniversary Specialty to the board – she plans to bring this down to DCA to encourage attendance from our USA friends. We will be having Obedience, Rally, Dock Diving, Agility, Trick Seminar, Trick Dog testing, and CGN testing in conjunction with the Specialty. Welcome party will be Friday night, Saturday will be the National, the dinner will be Saturday night, and there will be a booster on the Sunday. There are a couple of fun events: Senior handling for the old or old at heart (judged by a junior handler!) and a costume contest with handlers and dogs in costumes – these will follow regular judging. Kelly would like to challenge every board member to make a donation, either financial or something for the raffle table or prizes, etc. 😊Kelly’s primary concern at this time is fundraising, she would like the board to encourage their friends to enter. Kelly is suggesting people make hotel bookings early as it is a holiday weekend. Versatility Proposal (Heather Parsons) Heather sent out a proposed versatility program update out prior to the meeting. Susan’s comments: 1) The addition of a dog EITHER needing a Championship OR to be on a non-breeding agreement 2) The requirement of one CKC title 3) The requirement of a temperament certification of some sort (CGC, CGN, TT, SPOT, Therapy Dog) 4) The program will be for Dalmatians only, if not registered they must be confirmed as a Dalmatian (same as the distance log) Francois-Pier: 1) To reduce the point allotment for temperament certification (CGC, CGN, TT, SPOT, Therapy Dog) Heather will incorporate these suggestions and send a revised proposal to the board for review.
Susan moves we adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sharon. All in favour. Meeting adjourned at 9 pm EDT.