DCC Board Meeting January 7, 2019

Meeting called to order: 8:07 pm EDT
In attendance: Salena, Francois, Nicole, Susan, Diane, Sharon, Kelly


1) Submission from Charlene Maines (attached)
-Susan summarized the submission from Charlene, Diane notes that Allison is a “pedigree guru”. Kelly recommends that the contact to CKC come from a DCC Board member. Susan proposes that we agree in principle that this is a good idea (purchasing the pedigree program, working with Allison for the stud books), contact with CKC will be done by the DCC Board member.
-Susan propose that we are in agreement that a board member needs to head up a committee on to move forward and request the CKC Stud Book and track Dalmatian Pedigree information (with the help of Allison), seconded by Sharon. All in favour. Motion carried.

-Second part of submission: Susan summarized the submission regarding changes to whether life members can vote or whether they are charged a small fee. Diane suggests we model our program similar to the Whippet club, where members are asked if they would like to give a small donation when they are voting, as opposed to charging a fee for voting. Sharon is in agreement.

-Susan proposes that add to the membership renewal of life members a button to easily click and make a donation. Diane seconded. All in favour. Motion carried.

2) DCC 50th update (Kelly and Heather)
-Kelly has been in contact with the Barrie club, and has their application that needs to be in beginning of February. Kelly is currently looking at judge options, she has had several good candidates volunteer to judge sweeps. Susan suggests it may be good to have a DCC club member judge sweeps. Kelly asked for a volunteer to be show chair, Susan has volunteered.
-Heather has been in touch with a number of local venues to allow several performance opportunities. She is very confident that we will be able to have several different performance events.
-Kelly is reaching out to Casino-Rama to talk about the potential of having a banquet there. There is an option on the show site where we could cater an event. There are also hotels in the area. Kelly is looking at the different options. Diane suggests having the banquet on site may be the easiest in terms of travel, managing timing, etc. Diane suggests having a survey on the DCC Facebook page to see what day is most popular.

3) DCC store (Nicole)
-Combining #3 and #9; Nicole informs us we are under $30,000 in sales, annually, so we do not need to be collecting GST. Nicole is considering removing some products that are not selling and bringing in new products. Nicole is carrying inventory for jewellery, scarves, and stickers, other items are online, (not in inventory).

4) New member gift (Nicole)
-Nicole has two keychains left. She needs to order more for our new members. Susan is wondering how many new people who have joined (since they got a keychain) whether they have renewed. Nicole will look into this, but she is confident new members are renewing. Sharon likes the new welcome package (including the keychain). Nicole will speak with Heather and Kelly about ordering additional keychains for prizes for the specialty.

5) 50th Promotional products (Nicole)
-Nicole is wondering if we will sell t-shirts at the specialty. Kelly suggests we use the specialty logo and have people order in advance. Nicole, Kelly, and Heather will discuss further.

6) Distance log program: member/associate (Nicole)
-Nicole has discussed the program with Sharon. Currently, anyone can join the program, the fee is $10 higher if they are not a member. Nicole suggests that we change this to people needing to become at least an associate member to participate. Nicole proposes we change the program to member only, (associate or full), Sharon seconded. All in agreement. Motion carried. Nicole notes we need to advise Cathy Stevens of this change.

7) Treasurer’s report (Sharon)
-Started Jan 2018 with 1181.85, GIC was at 9286.23. In Feb, 2018, $2,000 was deposited in CIBC account from GIC. Dec 31 2018 4740.17 in bank account, GIC, 7286.23. Dec 7th, deposit from PayPal to CIBC account from Helen 427.46.
-Insurance for the board has been paid, domain name has been paid, CKC club renewal has been paid.
-Everything is up to date.
-We will need a new signatory soon, Sharon will go in to her local CIBC account to start this process.

8) Committees
a. Illustrated standard – need non-board members (Susan)
-Susan notes we need more members for the illustrated standard committee. Susan suggests we recommend people we know who have experience in breeding/showing, etc. Sharon has two breeders she would like to suggest. Diane suggests contacting life-time members who have been in the club “forever” to get a wide range of experienced opinions. Kelly suggests we approach other people but stay within DCC club members. Susan proposes that people suggest names and she will contact them and put them in touch with the committee.

b. Versatility committee update (Heather)
-Heather reports that the versatility committee is ready to make a presentation to the board following lots of discussion! She is just waiting on a summary from Maggie Bird, then will send over to the board to review before our next meeting.

c. NEW: Judges Education
-Susan is interested in someone to head up the next three new committees, starting with Judges Education, Diane has agreed to head up and organize the committee. Diane has done a past presentation based on Sue MacMillan’s “Book of the Dalmatian”, which could be a good starting point for judge education. Kelly notes that she has been asked if it would be possible to do a breeder/judge seminar on the weekend of the seminar. Diane would like people to bring patched dogs, if possible, as this is something that judges can not understand without seeing them.

d. NEW: LUA Fact Sheet
-Susan would like an LUA Fact Sheet to be developed to clearly state the differences between LUA and HUA. Heather offered to head up this committee.

e. NEW: “How to find a reputable breeder” guideline
-Kelly has suggested that one addition to this would be an example of a contract – what would be acceptable, what would be unusual. Susan will head up the committee, Diane and Kelly will help.

9) DCC store – inventory, tax calculations/collection (Susan and Nicole)
-Handled with #3

10) DCC Membership benefits – club awards – member’s only? Non-members with higher fee? Participating dog registration? (Susan, all)
-Covered with #6

11) Susan is asking directors to connect with members who have not renewed and encourage them to renew at the end of January. Sharon is asking whether directors know who are members within their province, each director will be sent a membership list at the end of January. Nicole reminds us that attendees of the AGM must be in good standing. A reminder will be sent to the membership that they need to pay their membership to be able to attend AGM. Heather will send out a notice to the membership, Nicole will send the newest membership list to Heather.

12) Kelly notes that the historical information is missing from the website. Nicole notes that Francois-Pier has the historical information from the past website. This will be discussed offline and we will update at the next meeting.

Sharon has moved that the meeting be adjourned, Susan has seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm EDT.


Annexe 1


Charlene Maines DCC Submission for Meeting Agenda

I respectfully request that the following be added to the upcoming meeting agenda:

Motion: That the DCC request and acquire CKC Stud Book Information and track Dalmatian Pedigree Information. 

it is important for the DCC to have current relevant information on the breed and accurate records of all dogs registered with CKC going forward. This information will give the DCC the names and CKC registration numbers of all dogs imported and registered as Dalmatians each year, plus all litters and those individually registered in each year. 
That the DCC purchase a Pedigree Database program to keep accurate records moving forward. The best pedigree databases would be PedX http://www.breedmate.com/ or Breeder’s Assistant http://www.tenset.co.uk/ba/
Historically the DCC has kept some records of pedigrees and Championships. Catherine Blinko had a personal collection of CKC Stud Books up to 1968 from which she shared information, however this resource has since been lost to the Club.  Monica Brooks maintained the titles records for her book up to 1981, but such records have not been kept up by the Club since that time.  Alison Merritt has her own personal copies of some records and may possibly share that information with our Club.  
Stud Books needed: 
Alison Merritt has 1985 through 1993 and some from 1968 back, which she is willing to share the info for pedigrees, perhaps there are other members who have purchased information for other years who would be willing to share?   
CKC Stud Books needed:
1994 to present; 2012 onward would be a good starting point.  With added resources in the future the DCC could purchase additional missing years. 
1969 - 1984 inclusive (these were the years when the CKC did not publish Stud Books each year, but they have since gone back and published all years)
There is a time lag for ordering current Stud Book info, so you must wait till you think all the dogs from that year have all been registered before ordering that year's info.  For example, probably the 2017 info would be as complete as it gets by now, depending of course on how current the CKC keeps their Stud Book information files.  
I would volunteer to enquire with the CKC/Director, that the DCC receive a discounted pricing for Stud Books due to the fact that the Dalmatian numbers have decreased down to the level of a Rare Breed, and report back a cost and propose a budget and funding resources for this undertaking.  A very good case could be made to the CKC to give us the required records to track our breed.  Perhaps a Library User Resource Fee could be used by the Club to support this effort.
Motion: That the DCC assign the task of maintaining the CKC Stud Book Information to the office of Club Historian. 

the best choice would be to keep the records of Stud books and Pedigrees under the governance of the Club Historian, I suggest that the Board ask our Club Historian; Alison Merritt if she would be willing to maintain these records.  Alison has extensive knowledge of the Club records and access to historical information on the Club.
Alison has also volunteered to share her stud book information and to keep these records as part of her volunteer position as Club Historian.

That the DCC change the membership category Life Member to be a Non-voting Membership and should those who have been awarded Life Memberships previously and wish to Vote at club meetings a nominal fee of $10.00 per year be paid.  Life Members would still receive all information that Club members receive; newsletters, agendas etc. however; in order to be a voting member in the Club they would have to pay the yearly fee.  
Motion: Change Article II, Membership, Section 3 (d) Life Membership – Any member in good standing with the CKC and having been a continuous member of the Dalmatian Club of Canada for 30 years or more. This person shall hold all the rights and privileges of a regular voting member, however if the Life Member desires Voting Status a nominal yearly fee will be required. If the Life Member does not wish to retain Voting Status, no Membership Fee is required, they must still submit yearly renewals verifying their current CKC status.  This member would no longer be required to pay yearly membership dues. Joint members that become life members and wish to retain Voting Status will still be entitled to one shared vote only.