DCC Board Meeting

Sunday April 22, 2018

7 pm EDT


Meeting Called to Order (Arlene, Betty, Kelly, Miranne, Nicole, Carola, Heather in attendance) 722pm EDT

-Approval of Agenda
-Addition of treasurer update (from Carola)
-Addition of officer reports
-Arlene moves to approve, Miranne seconds – all in favour, motion carried

Approval of AGM Minutes
-Sent Feb 23/18
-Betty moves to accept, Miranne seconds – all in favour, motion carried

Betty Pirs:

Retention/Storage of Board agendas/minutes/supporting documents, etc.
-Betty was creating a retention policy for another committee, and was wondering if we have a retention policy for minutes, board documents, etc.
-We do not have a current policy, we should discuss and propose a policy for the next meeting
-Nicole reminds us that the newer documents (AGM, minutes, etc) are on the website – Betty reminds us we need a back-up in case the website is down, etc. Minutes have been published in TransCanadals.
-Kelly suggested we create cloud storage tied to the DCC email address.
-Discussion of different options for storage (archive, hard copy, usb drive, cloud, etc.)

Kelly Amos:

1. Booster at Oakville & District Kennel club Sept 7-9th, 2018?
a. Use of refund from last year for booster prizes ($35)
-Held at Ancaster fairgrounds, rebate based on # of dogs, they provide ribbons, etc.
-Kelly is looking to use the rebate cheque to fund prizes for the booster
Motion to refund Kelly $35 for 2017 booster prizes, Miranne motioned to refund Kelly, Heather seconded – 5 in favour, 1 abstained, motion carried

Nicole Vandal:

1. Membership
a. New member approval (Published in March TCD):
Cindy Malony , Tiffany Shaw, Mary Hill
-New members are approved, Nicole will send out their welcome packages

b. New member applicants:
Caitlin Glass, Margaret Mason, Annalisa Persy
-Nicole would like to accelerate the process by sending a separate TCD issue to identify if there are any concerns about these members.

2. Membership process
To accelerate the process Nicole can issue a special TCD when we have new member applicant.
30 days after the publication (assuming no objections) an email can be sent to the board for approval. After the board approval Nicole can send the welcome letter and key chain.

-No issues from the board with sending out a separate TCD issue to identify new member applicants to give the membership their 30 days to object.

3. Members who did not renew their membership:
Alberta : Taylor, Twyla
BC: Dorini, Nilda , Fyfe Patty, Powel June, Spragg Juanita
Manitoba: Davies Debby-lynn
Ontario: Elizabeth Mesures Lepinsky Helen. Taylor Lynda Thibert Joy
Quebec: Patrice Corriveau, Chelsea Dujardins,
Suggestions from Nicole : Director should send a personal email or letter regarding the renewal
-Constitution says that after March 30/18 members who do not renew will be removed from membership.
-Question regarding life members: do they realize they need to send in their form annually? Nicole let us know that she had sent a notice to each of them to remind them that they need to submit annually, even if they are life members.
-Directors for each province will reach out to each member who has not renewed.

a. Update?
-Carola has emailed CKC twice with no response, she was able to get someone on the phone (Sarah), she did not have access to old emails, etc. Carola will send all the LUA emails to Sarah and continue to pursue.

5. New Bank Account
Nicole suggests we must have the possibility to do e transfer ( both ways )
a. At this time an online customer who paid via e-transfer and asks for a refund will be refunded by check or PayPal
b. If we refund via PayPal (and the initial payment was not done via PayPal), the customer is charged fees
-Carola – we were able to do e-transfers previously because she was using the specialty account that she had opened, so had sole signatory. That account has now been closed (due to monthly fees), the regular account requires dual signatures – so we can receive e-transfers but not send them. She has worked with the bank to try to resolve this – but can not.
-Nicole has suggested we remove the e-transfer payment option from the store – because if they pay via e-transfer we can not refund via e-transfer. The PayPal refund will charge them fees.
-Carola has no issue with this, PayPal is more convenient.
-Betty is asking that Nicole monitor and report at the next meeting whether this has an impact on sales.
-Nicola will remove the E-transfer option from the website.

6. DCC logo:
Nicole suggests we add to the by-laws and the website:

''The DCC logo cannot be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the DCC editor . It is understood that DCC maintains is intellectual properties rights on the logo even if an approbation is given for its use for a specific event. The approval is not transferable. 'All rights reserved. For permission requests, write to the DCC editor , addressed “Attention: Permissions to use DCC logo ,” for the present time at the email expresstel@sympatico.ca' ''

A letter and the signature of the person asking to use the Logo will be add to the above text
I read, understand, and agree to the copyright terms :
-Nicole would like everyone in the membership who asks to use the logo to sign the above form.
-Nicole will send out permission to directors so that we may use with our own emails.
Motion to accept Nicole’s proposal for copyright terms and proposals – Motion from Betty, Kelly suggests change in wording to include “board will monitor”, Miranne seconded. All in favour, none opposed, motion carried.

7. Transcanadals:
Nicole needs more articles and ads. Maybe directors can ask vets, boutiques, etc. to place ad
-Nicole is asking the board to reach out to membership and ask for more articles. She is suggesting we solicit local stores, vets, etc. to place advertisements. We can have ads that appear in perpetuity for a year. Deadline for next TCD is May 15th.

8. DCC website:
-Nicole would like to create a DCC collection section on the website where members can sell their items. The club would take 15% for the club, but refund shipping cost to person selling items, the seller would handle their own shipping. This section could also be used for the 50th anniversary items next year. Heather Parsons suggests no consumable items (cookies, etc) for safety/legality reasons.
Motion: Carola moves that we sell craft items on website, Miranne seconded, all in favour, motion carried.

Financial Report:

-Website sales, $341, profit of $189.74, received $20 from distance log, $60 from TCD advertisements, $205 in memberships, $25 donation from Joan Ross (life member), 1 associate membership of $17, 3 new members for $84. Total of $707 from Jan-March.
$4792.12 in our bank account, includes $2000 transferred from GIC. GIC currently has balance of $7286.23 – renewed for 1 year, 6 mos, interest rate of 2%, maturity of August 5, 2019.

Sharon Debor has offered to be the treasurer if the books have been audited and everything is in order. There was a discussion as to how we can best proceed with getting all necessary information to Sharon. Registered letter to be sent to Helen to receive previous financial books. Heather will work with Betty to create a letter.
Motion to accept Sharon’s offer to be treasurer, and a motion to have the books audited – motion made by Kelly, seconded by Nicole. All in favour, motion carried.

Heather Parsons:

1. Addition to Versatility Program
Proposal for Dalmatian Club of Canada Versatility program
Suggestion to add all CKC approved titles to the versatility program.
Why: The Dalmatian is a fantastically versatile breed. Many Dalmatians compete in and excel at, both Barn Hunt and Dock Diving. Both Barn Hunt and Dock Diving are sports that are recognized by the AKC and CKC, adding these activities would further celebrate our truly versatile breed.
Suggestion for points allocation:

Barn Hunt
Novice (RATN) 1 point
Open (RATO) 2 point
Senior (RATS) 3 points
Master (RATM) 4 points

Dock Diving
To go under “other titles” and award 1 point for a dock diving title (achieving 5 jumps in one category), 2 points for an advanced title (achieving 30 jumps in one category).
-the rationale for this suggestion is that dock diving titles are not a progression (like obedience, or rally) they are based on the dog’s ability to jump. For example, many Dalmatians start out jumping in the Senior category, and never jump in the Novice or Junior categories as they are naturally able to jump significant distances.

Lure Coursing
CA 1 points
CAX 2 points
Motion: motion to accept proposal and point system, Nicole motioned, Arlene seconds, All in favour, motion carried.

Update from Charlene Maines?:
1. Trophy Committee
From AGM: -Carola suggested that Charlene put together a committee and bring a proposal to the board at the next meeting.
-Betty has sent an email out with info from Charlene today, but no cost info yet. Tabled until next meeting.

2. Illustrated Breed Standard
Update on updated illustrations from Allison
We have received some information from Allison, she made some changes to wording, but also wants to change all the illustrations.
Suggested response: board is still considering this, and will come back to her with more formal feedback. Heather Parsons will put together an email, with Betty and Carola’s help, to respond to Allison.

Final business:
Reminder from Kelly to review her email about performance options for the DCC Specialty 2019 – so she can create a survey.


Kelly: Motion to adjourn. 9:11 pm EDT.y.