Annual General Meeting  2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017






Meeting Called to Order - 9:06 pm Atlantic time

Approval of the Agenda - Motioned Sharon Debor, seconded by Arlene Motion carried

Approval of Minutes - Unavailable - Printed in May 2016 Transcanadals, minutes from the January 28 AGM - will be sent out

Executive Reports

President’s Message - Carola Adams

Welcome all members to our 2016 AGM.


First of all, a Thank you to all our current Board members for all their time volunteering to be on the DCC Board. Its your dedication that keeps this club alive and going.


I want to extend a special Thank you to Betty Pirs who is a secretary extraordinaire and does an amazing amount of work to keep this club organized.


Wanda Batson decided she no longer has the time to be the editor of TCD. Thank you Wanda Batson for all your time and effort as News Letter Editor. I very much enjoyed her editions and articles she managed to find for the TCD. Great job and thank you!


With that, I welcome Nicole Vandal as our new Newsletter Editor and I am exited to see what she has in store for us!


I also thank Kashena Dijkman for her time and dedication to the Board. Kashena has indicated she is no longer able to serve on the Board due to time constraints and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.


2016 has been a quiet year as we did not have a National Specialty. A sincere Thank You to Francois for stepping up as Show Chair for the 2017 National in Ste Foye, QC on August 5th. If anyone would like to help out with this Specialty, please send a note to Francois asap, Specialties are a lot of work and I am sure he could use extra help!


Cathy Stevens has volunteered to put a Long Distance Program together and look after that program for the DCC. Thank you Cathy! This program has been revised and is new and exciting and I look forward to start logging the KM I walk with my dogs!


Allison Merrit has graciously volunteered to be our Historian for the DCC and I thank Allison for taking on this daunting task of recording and keeping track of important DCC history.


The By-Law committee is once again looking at the by-laws for updating. I feel it is important that our by-laws allow for on-line voting, and some other changes and updates are needed. Anyone that would have any idea's or comments to the proposed changes please forward those asap to the Committee.


We have had several new members join our club this past couple of months and its exciting to see a growth in our membership.


In conclusion, this coming year the DCC has a lot on the go and I look forward to an exciting year!


Respectfully submitted,

Carola Adams

Financial Report - Helen Lipinski

Report as of December 31, 2016

Does not account for 2017 dues, cheques, etransfers, paypal, ad fees

Term deposit came due February 5th and was reinvested for 2 years


Quebec Rally

Secretary Report - Betty Pirs

Membership list - the club will return to the old process of the Secretary maintaining the membership list. The Secretary will also ensure an updated membership list is sent to the membership in June, annually.

Welcome Package - Betty Pirs and Bonnie Hetherington will take on the development of a welcome package for new members in 2017

Director’s Reports

Arlene Pede (BC)

DCC sponsored a booster at the September 2016 Mt Cheam dog show

This summer, Arlene is planning to hold a dally fun day. If anyone wants to help, please contact Arlene. People should let their puppy people know as this is an event they will enjoy.

Amy Boyle (Ont.) - no report

Francois-Pier Garant (Que.)

the 2017 National Specialty will be held in Quebec on the long weekend in August.

A Facebook page for DCC Quebec has been created and results for conformation and rally have been posted.

Quebec Conformation



Club Historian Update - Alison Merritt

Is pleased to take this over as it is very important for a club to have access to its history. Carola and Miranne have boxes which they’ll forward to Alison. Warren, past historian, had mentioned that Ann Hennigan may have some items. Alison will put an article in TCD that will include a call to the membership to contact her regarding items they think should be retained by the club for historical purposes.

Bylaws & Constitution Committee Update - Carola Adams, Miranne Dick, Arlene Pede

If any members have suggestions for changes to the Bylaws & Constitution, please contact one of the committee members directly. Some suggested changes they are looking at currently are

make editor part of board (Susan commented that you can’t put the editor on the board as per CKC),online voting system, suggestion to consider an associate membership for dal owners who want to join the club but aren’t exhibitors,abolishing or changing the term of life membership - its not much money in terms of dues cost, historically at the time older members were leaving the club as their interests were changing. General consensus seemed to be that it should be abolished and not grandfathered.


Transcanadals Update - Nicole Vandal

TCD will be published 4 times a year

magazine format, fully digitized

plan to have at least 12 different sections in magazine, including

Health is one - 3 articles - copper storage disease article, lyme disease

Obedience: Sharon will write an obedience article,

K9 Nutrition

History - Alison Merritt

Fun things to do with your dogs

Versatility articles - Kelly


Wall of Fame centre fold, brags, litter announcements, new members

Reminder - Cover page after specialty goes to winner of national

Nicole needs lot of pictures for the national - next deadline Feb15 for March issue - send to Nicole’s email,

Comment from Kelly Amos - need to to build up the 50th celebration to club membership


2017 National Specialty Update - Francois-Pier Garant

Being held in conjunction with an all breed show August 4 5 6 - 4 sets of points (3 all breed plus national) outdoor show, very nice

National specialty judge - Honey Glendenning, Sweepstakes - Star White, (Saluki breeder, has half of non-sporting)

All breed show judges - Mike Jackman, Carston ??? (Terrier breeder), Mavis McClinton (PWD and Lowchens).

Two obedience trials and two rally trials on Aug 5 and 6.

Junior handling on Sat & Sun. (not just dals)

Usually have a bbq under big tent - if not will go to a restaurant with all exhibitors

Francois will create an article for TCD.

Looking for a show chairman. The all breed club handled judges.

DCC provides trophy for BOB and Obedience and Rally - Carola will send him the trophy.

Sweepstakes - regular, veterans, baby puppy, and altered.

Awards of merit are dependent on number of dogs entered.

Promotion in the US - will put on DCA mailing list, on east coast newsletter. Suggestions: to contact Dal Club of Fingerlakes (Sue Tong), used to be reciprocal agreements with american dal clubs and exchange of newsletters, ad in spotter, flyers for DCA, EDals ad.

Carola will make Francois a moderator on specialty page.

Helen will send Francois the slip leads in case they are useful.

Carola has a box of items for a silent auction table for dalmatians.


New Distance Log Program - Cathy Stevens

Reviewed the DCA distance program and based DCC’s on it with some adjustments.

Significant change - no mechanized vehicles permitted. This was done based on the report by veterinarians seeing injuries as a result. Can be any other type.

January 1 -Dec 31 - all sheets must be in by end of January. There is a spreadsheet available that can be used to track your dog

Fees: $20 per family, non DCC member $35 - etransfer or cheque

If you’re walking two dalmatians - each dog gets the same full mileage.

Each award level has a certificate and medallion, Platium has certificate and plaque.

Opening it up to pet owners whose dog is not registered. In future they may want to get a registered dal and get involved. Anyone in your household can walk your dal, your dal gets the mileage - its the dal that earns it not the person

Cathy will send article with program details and forms to TCD

Discussion relating to unregistered dalmatians participating in the program.

Versatility Report - Carola

The only Versatility award given out in 2016 was to Cathy Stevens with her dog Charlie.

Have already received several submissions for 2017.

Nicole will keep running requirements in TCD so they’re available.

Vacant officer positions - the Club currently has 3 vacancies - Prairie Director, Maritime Director, and the second Ontario director. Kelly Amos volunteered for second Ontario Director position, Charlene volunteered for the Prairie Director position. These will be taken to the next regular Board meeting (March 23).

Committee Membership - Charlene Maines would like to see committees have more members participate not just executive. Need to place ad in Transcanadals calling for volunteers. Comments in response that this has been done but perhaps its not in a location that draws attention.

Annual Review of Books - Susan Saul. Has one been done in the last few years - when was the last one done? Treasurer and President responded that a review was done a couple of years ago, perhaps 2014. Also advised that a review is scheduled for March 2017.

Permission requested to hold a booster in Ontario in September - Kelly Amos. She will send a note to Betty for the next Board agenda (Meeting March 23).

DCC Facebook Page - Diane Fast and Charlene Maines proposed that the DCC Facebook Page be made the official page of the DCC. Discussion. General consensus that its a good idea. Proposal will be placed on the next Board Agenda

Closing remarks - President

Meeting adjourned 10:41 p.m. Atlantic time.